The battered RESTORED
Come As You Are
The Harbor welcomes you while you explore and experience the life-giving love of Jesus. Whether you are brand new to church, coming back to church, or have always been in the church, we hope you will find that this is a place to belong.
Our Vision
To RESTORE those who are battered, REFUEL the weary, and
RETURN to our lives with Jesus at the center, changing the world one life at a time.
RETURN to our lives with Jesus at the center, changing the world one life at a time.
Current Series - Battle Ready: The Full Armor of God
Life isn’t just a series of occasional struggles—it’s a constant battlefield, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. Too often, we’re only equipped for the fight on Sundays or when we’re surrounded by the comfort of church community. But the battle rages on every moment of every day, and our enemy is relentless, playing for keeps. This series will equip you to live every day fully clothed in the armor of God. Are you ready to step onto the battlefield with confidence and power? Join us for this transformative series as we learn to live every moment Battle Ready.
Daily Devotional
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Dig deeper into each week's sermon with these weekday entries.
On The Harbor App on the Sunday tab and website under Watch.
On The Harbor App on the Sunday tab and website under Watch.
Email one of our pastors by clicking below.
You will be prayed for by our staff (all requests remain confidential).
You will be prayed for by our staff (all requests remain confidential).
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