THE HARBOR - Services Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00 AM

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The battered RESTORED
The weary REFUELED
RETURNED to change the world

Come As You Are

The Harbor welcomes you while you explore and experience the life-giving love of Jesus. Whether you are brand new to church, coming back to church, or have always been in the church, we hope you will find that this is a place to belong.

Our Vision

To RESTORE those who are battered, REFUEL the weary, and
RETURN to our lives with Jesus at the center, changing the world one life at a time.

Current Series: He Is / We Are

Imagine all the characteristics of God. The things that make Him worthy of our praise, devotion, and ultimately our lives. As followers of Jesus, it’s these characteristics that not only shape how we view God, but also how we view our lives. We must see Him rightly before we can examine ourselves. And in seeing Jesus rightly, our identity becomes clear.

Need Prayer?

Email one of our pastors by clicking below, and you will be prayed for by our staff (all requests remain confidential). To learn more about our Prayer Wall and how you can request prayer and pray for needs within our church family, click the button below.

Upcoming Events


The Next Generation

Discipleship Ministries

Compassion Ministries

Kids Ministry
Small Groups
Singles Ministry
Care & Support
Student Ministry
Men's Ministry
Women's Ministry
Worship Arts


The Next Generation

Discipleship Ministries

Compassion Ministries

Kids Ministry
Small Groups
Singles Ministry
Care & Support
Student Ministry
Men's Ministry
Women's Ministry
Worship Arts

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