THE HARBOR - Services Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00 AM

Next  Steps

Digital Guest Card

If you are new to The Harbor, we would like to get to know you and to help you get connected in our community. Please take a few minutes to fill out our Digital Guest Card. 

New Believers Form

Have you recently said yes to Jesus and surrendered leadership of your life to Him? Please let us know by filling out this form, and we’ll send you a devotional e-book called “You Said Yes.”


Have you been baptized since accepting Christ? If not, that is the next step on your faith journey. We have baptism four times annually. Click below to learn more and to sign up. Our next baptism opportunity is May 4, 2025.

Serve Teams

Small Groups

Serving is not just the work of the church, it is a way to bond with other believers!  Use your God-given gifts to serve at The Harbor. Click above to sign up for areas that interest you.
We are meant to walk this Christian life in community. Small Groups meet in area homes to study God's word, serve together, support one another, and have lots of fun. Click above to learn more and to find the group for you!


To become a member of The Harbor, you must attend a Membership Class. Coming to the class is not a commitment to join, but a chance to get to know us, and to decide for yourself if membership is right for you.  Our next Membership Class is Sunday, April 6, 2025.


Daily Devotionals

RightNow Media

Giving of tithes and offerings is an act of worship. When we give, we are partnering with God in everything He accomplishes through His Church. Giving is one way we manage the resources God has given us. You can give to The Harbor in person, through the mail, or through secure online giving on our app or website.
Each week we create a 5-Day Devotional from Sunday's message to help you to apply the lessons from the message to your daily life and quiet time with the Lord. New devotionals publish at midnight, Monday through Friday.  They are found under the Watch menu on our website and on the Sunday tab on the app.
A subscription to RightNow Media is provided to you by The Harbor due to the generosity of Harbor givers. Click below to request free access to over 20,000 Bible study videos for small groups, men, women, teens, and kids – anytime, anywhere, from any device!

Digital Guest Card

If you are new to The Harbor, we would like to get to know you and to help you get connected in our community. Please take a few minutes to fill out our Digital Guest Card. 

New Believers Form

Have you recently said yes to Jesus and surrendered leadership of your life to Him? Please let us know by filling out this form, and we’ll send you a devotional e-book called “You Said Yes.”


Have you been baptized since accepting Christ? If not, that is the next step on your faith journey. We have baptism four times annually. Click below to learn more and to sign up.

Small Groups

We are meant to walk this Christian life in community. Small Groups meet in area homes to study God's word, serve together, support one another, and have lots of fun. Click above to learn more and to find the group for you!


To become a member of The Harbor, you must attend a Membership Class. Coming to the class is not a commitment to join, but a chance to get to know us, and to decide for yourself if membership is right for you.  Our next Membership Class takes place Sunday, April 6, 2025.

Serve Teams


Daily Devotionals

Right Now Media

Serving is not just the work of the church, it is a way to bond with other believers!  Use your God-given gifts to serve at The Harbor. Click above to sign up for areas that interest you. 
Giving of tithes and offerings is an act of worship. When we give, we are partnering with God in everything He accomplishes through His Church. Giving is one way we manage the resources God has given us. You can give to The Harbor in person, through the mail, or through secure online giving on our app or website.
Each week we create a 5-Day Devotional from Sunday's message to help you to apply the lessons from the message to your daily life and quiet time with the Lord. New devotionals publish at midnight, Monday through Friday.  They are found under the Watch menu on our website and on the Sunday tab on the app.
A subscription to RightNow Media is provided to you by The Harbor due to the generosity of Harbor givers. Click below to request free access to over 20,000 Bible study videos for small groups, men, women, teens, and kids – anytime, anywhere, from any device!