Craig Jeter
I graduated from Texas A&M University in 1998 with a degree in Industrial Distribution, started work at Powell Electric in Houston, and married my lovely wife, Athena. We felt a pull to get back into church after the births of our two beautiful daughters (Mackenzie and Taylor). A few years later our son Coy was born, and we moved to Friendswood, Texas, where we soon started attending The Harbor in 2007. In 2010, through a potential work move, I asked God what He wanted me to do. That prayer was the pivot point of my life. His ultimate answer was “Get to know Me”, so I started reading The Bible. Through His Word, His people, and His timing, I surrendered my life to Jesus on September 22, 2013, after realizing that I was in church but not in Christ. Since that day the Good Lord has given me a passion for sharing Jesus in the workplace. He has also given me a heart for Men’s Bible Fellowships, Catalyst, Infusion, Student Ministry, and discipleship. I am an Eagle Scout that loves Jesus, my family, Texas, all things outdoors, most all sports, and traveling with my crew known as “Jeter, Party of 5”.