THE HARBOR - Services Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00 AM

The Purpose of Marriage

Based on the sermon by Pastor Jeff Maness on January 26, 2025. Watch/listen to the full message by clicking here.

The Divine Purpose of Marriage: A Call to Mission, Ministry, and Mystery

Marriage is a sacred bond—a covenant designed by God to reflect His glory and His purposes. Yet, how often do we approach marriage with our own agendas? We hope for companionship, romance, or personal fulfillment. While these desires are natural and not inherently wrong, they are by-products, not the purpose, of marriage. Without understanding and pursuing God’s purpose, our marriages can feel incomplete—like something vital is missing.

Ephesians 5:31-32 (NLT) provides a foundation:
“As the Scriptures say, ‘A man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’ This is a great mystery, but it is an illustration of the way Christ and the church are one.”

The Greek word for “mystery” here does not mean something unknowable but something revealed by God. Marriage, in its essence, is not about attraction or romance but about reflecting Christ’s union with the Church.

Marriage Is a Calling

Henri Nouwen describes marriage as a call for two people to witness together to God’s love, building a house for God in this world. Paul’s teaching in Ephesians 5 connects marriage to the broader mission of God’s Kingdom. It’s not just about companionship but about collaboration in God’s work.

Ask yourself: “Am I entering or living in my marriage to better fulfill God’s mission in the world?” When we view marriage as a calling, it shifts our focus from personal gain to eternal purpose.

Marriage Is a Call to Minister for God

Ephesians 5:21-22 encourages mutual submission:
“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. For wives, this means submit to your husbands as to the Lord.”

Submission in marriage has been misunderstood and misused. In its biblical context, submission is mutual and rooted in reverence for Christ. For husbands, submission means loving their wives as Christ loved the Church—with selflessness, sacrifice, and service.

Husbands, demonstrate this love by:
  1. Seeking your wife—pursue her heart intentionally.
  2. Serving her—identify her needs and meet them with humility.
  3. Spoiling her—not because she has earned it, but because Christ lavishes His grace on us.

Wives, submission involves:
  1. Respecting your husband—honor him as God calls you to.
  2. Rejoicing with him—celebrate and encourage him as his partner and biggest supporter.
  3. Relating to him—invest in understanding his heart, dreams, and struggles.

When both partners embrace these roles, marriage becomes a powerful testimony of God’s love and grace.

Marriage Is a Call to Model the Mystery of God

Ultimately, marriage is designed to mirror the Gospel. Ephesians 5:31-32 reminds us that the union of husband and wife reflects Christ’s covenant with His Church. In marriage, we model the love, commitment, and sacrifice of Jesus.

Marriage, then, is not an end but a signpost pointing to a greater reality—our relationship with Christ. For those who are single, this truth is equally profound: singleness reflects the sufficiency of the Gospel, reminding us that Christ alone is our ultimate fulfillment.


Marriage without God’s purpose will always feel incomplete. It’s not merely a partnership for personal gain but a divine calling to the mission, ministry, and mystery of God. Whether you are married or single, consider this: How is your life reflecting the Gospel to the world?
When we align our hearts with God’s design for marriage, we not only build a house for Him in this world but also demonstrate His love to an aching world in need of hope.


  1. What are you currently pursuing in your marriage (or in your desire for marriage), and how does it align with God’s purpose for marriage as a reflection of His mission, ministry, and mystery?
  2. How can you, as a spouse or future spouse, intentionally demonstrate Christ’s love—through seeking, serving, and encouraging your partner—this week?
  3. In what ways is your marriage or singleness actively pointing others to the Gospel, and how might God be calling you to deepen that impact?

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