Day 4: Filter Out the Noise
In a world filled with constant noise and distraction, finding stillness can be a challenge. Yet, it is in the quiet moments that we often hear God's gentle whisper. Like Elijah in I Kings 19:11-12, we may expect God in grand displays, but He often speaks in the stillness. By intentionally setting aside time to be with God, free from distractions, we open our hearts to His voice and find peace in His presence.
Bible Verse
"And after the fire, there was a gentle whisper." – 1 Kings 19:12
Reflection Question
How can you create space in your daily routine to hear God's whisper?
Sermon Quote
"I want to challenge you to take time every day to turn off the noise—put your phone away, step away from distractions, and just sit in stillness with God."
Father, help me to find moments of stillness in my day to listen for Your voice. Quiet the distractions around me and within me. I long to hear Your gentle whisper and to rest in Your presence. Amen.
Posted in Battle Ready: Shoes of Peace, Series: Battle Ready, The Full Armor of God, Peace
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