December 9th, 2024
Share Your Experience
On Sunday, December 15th, Pastor Jeff shared a heartfelt message in our Christmas series, The Message From The Manger, focusing on the theme "Strength in Submission." We were inspired and challenged by the incredible surrender, selflessness, and servanthood of Jesus. (Click here to watch or listen to the message.)
After the message, everyone, including our elementary-aged kids, received a special sealed envelope. Each envelope was inscribed with the words "Surrendered, Selfless, Servant."
Inside, there was a surprise waiting—money in increments of $10, $20, $50, and $100, amounting to a total of $34,500! The challenge? To take this gift and use it to bring joy and help to someone else. You could team up with others to combine your gifts or even add more of your own. We only had three simple rules:
As a church family, we wanted to partner with the surrendered, selfless, servant-like submission of Jesus to go bless someone else in our community.
We'd love to hear your story! Please share how you used your gift to make a difference by leaving a comment on this post. Your story could inspire and encourage others to spread kindness and love!
If you wish to post anonymously, please feel free to type "Anonymous" for the name and "" for the email address. We are not collecting any of the information submitted here.
After the message, everyone, including our elementary-aged kids, received a special sealed envelope. Each envelope was inscribed with the words "Surrendered, Selfless, Servant."
Inside, there was a surprise waiting—money in increments of $10, $20, $50, and $100, amounting to a total of $34,500! The challenge? To take this gift and use it to bring joy and help to someone else. You could team up with others to combine your gifts or even add more of your own. We only had three simple rules:
- No keeping it for yourself.
- No giving it back to the church.
- Use it to help someone else.
As a church family, we wanted to partner with the surrendered, selfless, servant-like submission of Jesus to go bless someone else in our community.
We'd love to hear your story! Please share how you used your gift to make a difference by leaving a comment on this post. Your story could inspire and encourage others to spread kindness and love!
If you wish to post anonymously, please feel free to type "Anonymous" for the name and "" for the email address. We are not collecting any of the information submitted here.
Posted in Outreach
I love this. I’m giving it to s homeless person
We donated as a family to a family that house burnt and they lost everything!
I went to an HEB with my family to see if we could pay for anyones groceries who needed it and this one lady that we were going to pay for said that she didn’t need it and the guy who was bagging was an old man named Tim and i gave him 100$ to bless him
As a family, we collected a total of $80 to distribute. As we went to eat, we noticed our server was a young soon to be mom so we tipped her $30 and used the other $50 to buy toys to donate to the Toys for Tots organization.
I’m giving this to my son's daycare teacher.
Thank you for this. I am giving it to my nana/grandmother.
Nate and i giving it to one of our neighbors that is in a fixed income
A co-worker is a single mom who works two jobs and gives plasma to make ends meet. As a family, we received $80, which equals two plasma donations and we hope this can help her have a break from giving plasma over the week of Christmas.
As a family we received $50. My daughter is giving her $20 to a maintenance worker at the school where she teaches. The $30 my wife and I received was given to the local animal shelter. In the spirit of giving, we are also giving $75 to the family of Stefany, the little girl we sponsor in Peru.
So , there is this little old man I see walking when I’m coming and going most days. He walks with a cane…well more of a shuffle than a walk and I think a turtle could pass him. My heart always aches when I see him, I wave smile and pray as I pass him. After service, I asked God, "who do you want me to bless with this gift?" I could think people, but I was like "God, I don’t want it to be me…let it be you". I even went to HEB and sat in the car…praying about going in a giving it to our favorite cashier. I know my husband and a close friend were blessings her with the gift in the envelopes. I ended up leaving, trusting I would know who when God spoke. As I drove home from HEB I went into autopilot…then I heard Him…"there that’s who I want you to give it to." Without hesitation and with excitement I was obedient! The little man I see all the time! I parked, prayed, got out of my car, and smiled as I walked up to him. As sat next to him...he looked at me like I was a crazy white lady. I quickly realized he didn’t speak English, but I understood his name was Pedro. My mind panicked…"How was I going to be a blessing when we speak different languages, God?" As I gave him the money, he looked at me even more confused. I told him God loves you. He said no…no… no…I said YES, he sees you and loves you (I added some crazy lady sign language in there, hoping he would better understand ?) I reached for a hug, and he hugged back. He held my hand and spoke in words I didn’t understand. We hugged again and I repeated God loves you…He’s sees you. As I left, I realized it was the Spirit filled moment that was the true gift. I’m not sure I’ll be the same…I pray I’m not.
Thank you Harbor leadership for giving us this extra opportunity to bless others. I was not feeling well Sunday morning so Gary and I watched the 9:00 am service on YouTube. Immediately after service I asked Gary to run up to the church to get our envelopes so we could participate. ? We had just been out shopping the night before for a family in Alvin whose house caught on fire. They have three little girls under the age of 6. It was easy shopping for them but we had no idea how to help the parents. We took the cash we got and added some to it to buy a Walmart gift card. ❤️
We, as a small group, bless a server or a delivery driver. God had already put an amount on my heart this year. This was just a bonus on top of that we have heard wonderful stories of how the blessing was received and each year how God’s blessing was, as it always is, so timely. Thank you Harbor Church for this gift. It truly is God’s light shining through. I am grateful and thankful to be a part of our church family.
During service I felt called to find a way to send food home with two kiddos in my class who come from a family with low income. I knew that whatever was in the envelope I would make sure I helped cover the need... God showed me that no idea that He calls us too is too large for Him there was $100 in my envelope so I was able to supply them with several meals in the upcoming weeks!
Donated to a family who’s 22 month old daughter is going through chemo at Texas Children’s.
As I prayed about how to share my money I felt the Lord say 2 things. First match what was provided and go now. I felt a very specific destination in mind right after service was over. I had planned on holding on to the money and giving it some thought and consideration before sharing it. But the idea of what to do with it was completely out of the blue and so specific I felt like it was from the Lord. I felt lead to go a specific place to get lunch and give the person who helped me the money. This is not my normal routine on a Sunday afternoon so it felt like this was what the Lord had planned for this money. Normally the sandwich place would have been fairly busy on a Sunday after church. I prayed all the way there that it would be empty and there would only be one employee. I walked in and there was not a customer in the store and 1 employee who seemed a little unfriendly. I ordered my sandwich and after I paid I handed her the money and said, “this is for you because Jesus loves you!” She took it, stepped back, unfolding the bills she looked up at me with the biggest, brightest , beautiful smile, and whispered “thank you.”
nI will never forget it.
My workplace has a program to help provide toys for families who cannot afford them. Generally, the kids that receive gifts are between the ages of 0-10. As I was walking past the different gifts for each child the other day, I noticed two 17 year old girls with not many items that seemed fitting for their age. Even during church on Sunday, they were on my heart. I wanted to go get them an age appropriate gift they can enjoy. I had mentioned it to my husband earlier in the week but I didn’t know if he thought much of it. When we got our envelopes, he looked at me and said, “I know what we need to do! We need to go get something for those girls.” I was so grateful that God had given us the same thought and even more excited for the provision. This was the best gift! Thank you so much for allowing us to experience the gift of giving.
I had the feeling that God wanted me to give the money to a single mom. I knew her the minute I saw her struggling with a crying child entering a restaurant. She dropped something on the sidewalk as she entered. I realized it was her credit card and took it in to her and gave her the card and the money. She thanked me with tears in her eyes.
My daughter and I decided to give our money to a friend. Her husband has cancer and the insurance company decided not to cover some of his medications that are needed.
My three daughters and I have been able to bless two families with the amazing generosity of our church. One family has experienced a great amount of loss with both the husband and the wife losing their dads this year within weeks of each other. They also have a one-year-old son. We were able to get some gifts for the baby and also give them a gift card so that they could treat themselves. The other family has also experienced a great deal of loss this year. In one year's time the wife has lost her grandmother her husband had a stroke and has been out of work and her Sons cancer has returned. We gave her a portion of the money as well. In both situations there was gratefulness and Tears by this unexpected blessing. And yet I think that we are more blessed for the experience. Thank you so much for allowing us the opportunity to feel God work through Us in such a powerful way. May we all carry this forward even past the Christmas season.
We gave our to the family of Lucy Minish. Our small group leader shared her story and we felt led to share our envelopes for her family.
nThank you for the opportunity to share amd the great example as a church!
Our neighbors felt inspired to give their envelopes to my husband and I as an appreciation gesture without even looking inside. We pooled ours with theirs to bless a new momma and family struggling to make ends meet, the waiter at a restaurant above and beyond his predicted tip, and a small team of hard workers with very limited income. With each gift we included an invitation card to Christmas Eve services at The Harbor.
nThese folks were blessed by receiving unexpected dollars and a smile. But, the true blessing is in the giving!
nI could do this everyday all day long. Thank you for the gift to give.
I gave it to a single mom having trouble paying her
New to the church (as of last sermon series) I love this idea. I didn’t want to open the envelope, I wanted to just give it to a very special waitress at Kelly’s, that always takes care of our Monday night prayer group. Then God said, “ What if you double it!!!” So, that’s what I did! Gently, ever so gently…. I pulled the tape up careful not to rip anything, saw it was 50$ and said, “ ok God, now I know what I need to do”
nI know her and her family will benefit greatly from this and I’m so very happy God told me to double it. He is an AWESOME GOD!!!
nPs my friend whom has been attending with me is planning on doubling his as well and blessing a waitress at Olive Garden soon. Can’t wait to see God work!!! ?
As a family we made a list of how we could use the money. Then we voted. We voted on donating to a homeless family/family in a shelter. We decided to donate to Bay Area Turning Point. $75 provided a meal for 70 people. That is what we decided on!
nThank you church for allowing us to bless others and for allowing our kids to be apart of this too!
The hospice I work for
nHelped one of my
nPatients family get gifts for their 4 children
nAnd a ham for dinner Chad and I donated our $30 to the family to help get other food items they needed. Thank you for helping this family
As I stood in line at the Dollar Tree, there was a lady checking out with a basket full of Christmas items. A young man was right behind her with a single Sprite. She offered to let him go ahead of her, but the checker had already started to scan her items. She said “Let me bless you today” as she grabbed the Sprite and had the checker scan it with her items. I felt a chill and I knew right away that God was telling me that she was the person I was supposed to bless. I stepped up and asked the checker to apply $20 to her bill. My heart was full knowing that she blessed someone and because of the generosity of our church I was able to bless her.
I gave my $50 to my college granddaughter, Haley. She goes to Baylor University in Waco, Tx.
nShe has been a student there for 3 years alone, without family or friends from home. She works hard and never complains about anything. I felt she could use the money for Pizza or Taco Bell, the food young people love to eat. I am so blessed to be a member at the Harbor. Thanks for the opportunity to bless her with this gift at this time of year!
I gave mine to an organization that helps girls with disabilities have to opportunity to dance at Chara. Covers class expenses and recital expenses.
I gave my blessing to my daughter Kindergarten teacher. She was so happy & thankful for this.
What a blessing and amazing service project! Truly was moved by this act by our church.
nI decided I would match what was in my envelope. I got $20 but decided instead of $40, I made it $50. I contacted my sons school's principal and a counselor there to see about secretly helping a student or two with lunch money, school fees, or some financial need. They did have 1 student that could use the financial help and so the money went to his school fees. It felt good to do this!!!
I was so overwhelmed on Sunday when this was announced. What a wonderful application of the message. Thank you! I left the money I received on a co-worker’s desk. I know she’s been struggling to make ends meet.
God put on my heart to give my envelope to a woman who only had a toaster oven for cooking but it stopped working. Two coworkers also gave me their envelopes which was almost the amount needed for a new toaster oven BUT then another coworker told me she had a really nice 3 way oven she was not using and would like to donate so not only did the woman get the oven she needed but she also got our envelopes which will cover her and her daughters doctor appointments! Thank you for this opportunity to love on our community!
Gave the unopened envelope to an 80 year old lady who is on a very limited income. She was thrilled to get it. Told her our story.
nThank you. GOD is great
Went to pick up my salad that was about $4 and gave him the $10 as a tip. The food runner was very appreciative! Thank you Harbor for the opportunity to serve the community with the greatness and spirit of the Lord!
Shake Shack at Nashville airport Dionne made my afternoon bright and it seemed like she loved serving others. She was elated and teared up to receive her Harbor gift. ? so wonderful!
We added to both envelopes and gave them to the family temporarily living with us.
I wanted to share my harbor gives back story… I picked my son up from school today and there was an Amazon delivery guy who was delivering a ton of packages to the houses right by the school. I looked at him and felt like that was the guy I was supposed to give the money to. Those guys are working long hard hours this week. I thought to myself - if my son is ready right when I pull into the parking lot, I should be able to catch him before he leaves the street. My son wasn’t ready so I thought it wasn’t going to happen and then in my rear view mirror I saw the delivery truck pull into the school parking lot!!! Just as my son was walking out, the delivery guy walked right next to my car!!! I rolled down my window and called out to him. He was gobsmacked when I handed him a $100 bill. I wish you could have seen his face. It was awesome!
We went to gutair center and I put the 50 I got between the strings on a gutair
I had 100$ and my husband 50$ We gave it to a young mother struggling with depression and mental health. God had put this young lady on my heart. I felt such a need to help her. It felt like God was tapping on my shoulder saying it is up to you. Long story short. Prayers are working. This young lady is doing much better and more open to things of God. This girl is our great granddaughter’s mother.
I put a thank you note in my mailbox with the $ from the church along with a gift card and gave it to my mail carrier. Thanked her for the job she does every day.
I got to leave $100 as an additional tip for a kind server at a local restaurant.
I was leaving the neighborhood Walmart with my cart heading to my car and noticed 2 workers praying over another worker who was sobbing. I loaded my car and waited to not interrupt them and then walked over and told her I was praying for her with whatever she was going through and wanted to give her some money from God.
Our family donated to BayArea Turning point organization and giving to the homeless.
I was leaving a store in the Baybrook area driving through a parking lot, when I saw what appeared to be a homeless lady with two dogs sitting and messing with a bike that had a cargo trailer attached. I drove over, rolled down the window and she lowered her head and said her bike was broken. I told her I only had $10 in cash but hoped it could help. She said thank you and I told her that “God loves you.” She replied, “I know he does” and we went separate ways. Please pray for her.
I used mine to buy breakfast for my coworkers and the owner of the small franchise I work for. They work so hard and I always want to do something for them, but could not afford it! Thank You!
I meet with a group of awesome dudes on Fridays for Bible study at Summer Moon in Friendswood. For whatever reason, that's the place God put on my heart this week. I multiplied the Harbor gift and told the staff, "I don't want any coffee, I just want you all to have a Merry Christmas" and put the bill in the tip jar. Not sure they get a lot of $100 tips from people not buying coffee, and I could tell from the look on their faces that they were shocked and kind of wondering what was going on. Hopefully this helped brighten their day.
nThanks Harbor for being a generous church, and thanks for being bold and challenging us with this!
My heart was filled with so much joy when Pastor Jeff announced this on Sunday. What a wonderful way to celebrate the birth of our savior by giving back to those in need
nEvery year our small group has dinner and blesses our server or delivery driver. The amount we received was added to what God had already put on my heart to give.
nI am so proud to call The Harbor our church home!
I blessed a woman at Shipley’s this morning. It was a great feeling.
Donated it to a family member whom is so dear to us that is need this Holiday Season!
Our family decided to donate our gift from the Harbor plus some extra to the Shadycrest elementary lunch fund that provides for students who are less fortunate. We thought this was a great way to give back to our community and thank you so much Harbor church for helping make this possible!
I doubled the $50 and donated to the lawn keepers who are struggling and I also donated to the Harbor Christmas fundraiser with the Orphan organization in mind. Merry Christmas ????❤️
I donated the gift to one of my girls that leases a room at my Spa I manage. She has worked for herself since high school. She now leases and runs her own business. Such a hard worker. She is freshly married now with a baby girl. She was so appreciative of the gift. Thank you again for making this possible. It was so touching. ❤️??
Heather and I gave the money to two of the volunteers at the Alvin Food Pantry. Many of the people who volunteer are also clients of the pantry, and depend on it for much of their sustenance. After prayer, we gave $20 to one man and $50 to another volunteer who works more and harder than anyone else! They were grateful and thanked God for the blessing!
Our daughter is in kindergarten and a huge animal lover. She asked if we could combine all of our money to buy food for the Alvin Animal Shelter. She told us Jesus loves all creatures and we should help them. Proud mama moment!
I took the $10 and added $20 and left it as a tip for a lovely lady who has been struggling in and has finally made the decision to get out of a really unhealthy relationship.
We put our family money together, and added some homemade Christmas cookies to give to our trash men.
There is a landscaping crew who services our lawn, as well as many in our neighborhood. The man who runs the business will often bring his children with him on weekends or school holiday breaks. He and his whole crew are so kind and work so hard. I’ll often see them working all 7 days of the week. Our family pooled our total of $60, and added $40 of our own for an even $100. When they were in our neighborhood working yesterday, I stopped by the yard they were in, walked up to the leader of the crew, and gave him the $100. He speaks a good broken English. I said “We wanted to give you a Christmas gift. Merry Christmas!” As I handed him five $20 bills. He was very thankful and shook my hand, “Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas!” He said. So humbled and honored to be a part of The Harbor Gives Back.
I had always been afraid of people experiencing homelessness until serving them intentionally on mission in 2017. The Lord open my eyes and heart to see them as He does on that trip and it changed me forever. In a season of God providing just enough for our needs, we haven't been able to give away as much as we would like too to help others. I was moved to tears when Pastor Jeff made the announcement and then our family collectively received $40. I decided that we are called to take what we are given and multiply it so, I trusted Him and we purchased $80 worth of necessities from Dollar General. Small blankets, hand warmers, fruit bars, cans of chicken, Qtips, socks, water bottle flavor packs, body cleansing wipes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, chapstick, gum, etc. I planned on having the kids put all 3 bags together for us to hand out as the Lord prompted but before I could drive home, God urged me to exit 35 for Highway 6 and there was the guy we always see working out in the median . My prompting was for him! I quickly made the 1st bag and went to meet him in the intersection. I asked his name and gave him mine, I told and showed him about all of the items that were his and he fist bumped me after almost every one. Henry is his name and when I asked him what I could be praying about for him, his gentle response was that he wasn't hurting for anything. Talk about a heart of gratitude and a heart posture we should all have! We hugged twice and I could see in his face between his that he hadn't been hugged in a long time. He was so seen and humbled to have someone stop and talk to him. Thank you Harbor for allowing space/financially equipping us to join in God's kingdom work. Our bank account was even replenished for the extra we matched! Our boys made the next 2 bags when I made it home and I was able to teach them about what we were going to do with them. I was able to remind Henry that he is God's son and he is seen and loved ❤️
We received $60 and added to it for the young family who lost most everything in a house fire. Thank you Harbor for inspiring us!
This was so amazing to see a church do. We are so humbled by this that we are using the money and our own to help a family in need. We are helping them keep the apartment they rent that they received an eviction letter and had to be out next week. Thank you Harbor family for reminding us of the real meaning of Christmas. Truly has been a blessing to help others! -Jack and Michelle Guillory
Last Sunday when sitting there and waiting for everyone to receive their envelopes I prayed to our father and said whatever the amount is I will match the amount. The gift I received from The Harbour was $100. With the $200 I was able to provide forty $5 gift cards from McDonalds and drop them off at the Friendswood Police department for their Blue Santa program, where they provide Christmas gifts/cards for children that reside in Friendswood. Thank you so much reminding me how important it is to give back especially this time of year when you have the means. God is GOOD!!!
My elderly patient lives at a local nursing home. She said she only had one pair of shoes with holes in the toes and no way to get new ones because she no longer drives. I found out her shoe size and used my $50 to go to Sketchers and bought her a new pair of shoes and gave them to her the next day.
This whole effort so touched my family! Thank you for doing this; it was unlike anything I had ever heard of before and I pray that it spreads as a new tradition; impacting many lives to soften hearts and remember the reason for the season. For our envelopes, my wife and I combined our amounts - added more - and gave it to a needing coworker of my wife who has been struggling of late, both healthwise and monetarily. I pray for her for recovery and restoration in the new year, and thank The Harbor and its cheerful givers for being able to positively touch so many lives this Christmas. Merry Christmas! (Anonymous churchgoer).
A service technician came to our house a few days after last Sunday. She had no idea I over heard her conversation with her boss. Her paycheck was gonna be late. I spoke to my family about it and we decided to give her the gift plus some from us as a family!
As a family we were blessed with $90. We bought a couples lunch at the spot ($25) and tipped their waiter ($25). We as a family went to eat at chilis and blessed our water with a $40 tip. We were so happy to make their day and grateful that God blessed us with this opportunity. The kids had a great time choosing each person to bless.
I received $50 and I used it to tip our waiter last night! He was so very kind and I just felt called to give it to him. It felt right in my heart, so thankful to the Harbor family for helping us give like this!
I gave mine to an elderly cashier at HEB.
nShe hugged me and thanked me.
nI’m sure it touched her heart.
nI know it blessed me!
nThank you Harbor Church to allow us this opportunity!
we wanted to break up our money into individual gift cards and hand out to our surprise. The opportunity didn’t present itself. Therefore, we took the opportunity to pay it forward by paying for an older ladies haircut.
Thank you for this, it was a wonderful experience. I received $50 and God called me to blessed a lady and her 2 kids. Her and her kiddos were in Walmart looking at the small toys. As soon as I saw her, I knew she was the person I was meant to give to. She was very grateful, it was a beautiful experience that brought tears to my eyes.
This year, with my sister facing mental health challenges, I decided to take her shopping for her kids that sat. Little did I know, God was already working to remind me to keep my faith in Him, assuring me that He would provide for all my needs. Embracing that trust, I chose to extend my support to my parents, who are currently helping my sister. God is truly faithful.
Went into HEB. There was an employee who was sweeping. He would pause in front of people and ask if they were okay or needed help. He asked me, then I witnessed his kindness multiple times while I was in the store. Before I left, I went to find him and handed him the money. I thanked him for his kindness. He was very surprised and stared at it, thanking me. He said, he does it from his heart. What a blessing, not only for him, but me. Thank
nyou., Harbor Church.
We went out to dinner and added it to the tip for the waitress
We were able to adopt a second nursing home resident to assure they had Christmas gifts!
$10 - Went to a homeless man.
n$40 - Went to family in need ( co-worker ).
I blessed the clerk at Dollar General with my $20. He was sure that I had made a mistake whenever I told him that God loved him and had led me to him for the blessing! He repeatedly asked me if I was sure. Once he was assured that God had not made a mistake, he put it in his pocket and thanked me as tears rolled down his cheek! I’m not sure who got the bigger blessing but I think maybe me! Proud to call The Harbor our church home.
My sister and I put our money together to go to Krogers and buy dog and cat food, treats, and toys. We were able to buy a pretty good amount of stuff and then, we went to three little pitties and donated all of it. We hope it helps.
As a family we had $210 to bless someone with this year. We decided to go to a restaurant and bless our waitress/waitor with an extra big tip. As an added bonus it was a fellow Harbor attender who ended up serving us. We wrote a sweet note for her and blessed her with the money. This was such a beautiful memory for our family. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to do this.
With the money we received from The Harbor and the money our kiddos decided to pitch in, we were able to bless our server who served us this morning at IHop. This was a planned family outing and we have been praying we would be at with the server God intended to receive this money. It was such a neat opportunity to give as a family!
My daughter gave her money to her bus driver and I gave my money to our waiter.
I gave my $100 bill to a dishwasher at Opus Ocean Grille, a restaurant in our neighborhood (we live on a boat). He’s a hardworking Hispanic young man who sometimes has to bring his black lab to work and leaves him out in his truck during his shift. He goes out at each break and visits and walks his pup. I left the money in another envelope taped to his driver’s door. I wrote Merry Christmas and that God sees and loves him. I wrote it in English and Spanish just in case. Thank you, Jeff, for giving us the opportunity to serve and spread God’s love.
nThis was the most touching thing to do and everyone I told loved it! I decided to give all my guys that mow my yard a gift rather than just the boss! So I added some money to the $50 and was able to give each guy a $20 tip. I was so happy!!
We pooled our money with our lunch group to be given to the family who lost everything in a house fire in Alvin.
I go to Chick-fil-A each morning and meet with a variety of men. I have gotten to know the morning workers very well and have formed a close bond. I decided to buy the morning workers breakfast each morning for 5 mornings in a row ending on December 24. Each morning I would write a Bible verse on the box of food and leave invites to the Christmas Eve service. They have been so appreciative of the gift from the Harbor. Thank you for providing this to the dedicated workers at Chick-fil-A.
I spent the money I was given on toys and donated them to blue santa!
I gave my part of my gift to a couple who pulled up to The Dollar Tree one night. I'm pretty sure they were living out of their car. They were very grateful. The other part I used to gift my adult stepchildren's widowed mother a grandkids birthstone necklace. My granddaughter gave hers to the SPCA.
nThank you for this opportunity to bless others.
We gifted the money to a struggling single mother.
Loved reviving this gift while at work on Christmas Day definitely lifted my spirits will be handing it out after work
Our family went to Starbucks & actually ordered inside. :) We were met by the kindness barista, who went above & beyond. I felt God’s nudge that I needed to give him the money.
I gave mine to a friend of my wife’s, who is in the hospital and will be for months.
Gave the $70 we got at church and added $100 and gave it to one of my students’ who lost their father a month ago to help with funeral costs. There are 7 children in the family.
We went to our favorite local family restaurant. They have always been so kind to us and always treat us with love and care. We tipped each server in the restaurant with our families $70 and extra from us as well. We all left smiling.
While at Brazos Bend state park - we noticed a young couple with children driving around. We had been praying prior to see where the Lord would take this. When we were driving out of the park - the same young couple was right in front of us. They ended up having to stop at a local convenience store to change a baby diaper - this is when Amanda and I approached the young couple. We combined our evelopes which was $110 and handed it to them saying "Merry Christmas!" They were suprised and seemed very greatful. Such a neat way to experience generosity and God was with us every step of the way. We wanted this to he His choice, not ours. Thank you Harbor for being boldly generous!
My family, my sister and her best friend put our money together and provided Christmas gifts for 3 teenagers whose family is in a tough financial situation at the moment. We used the remaining money to leave a large tip for our server that night.
As a group we put our money together ($200) to bless a family and tip a waiter. A family we know was having money problems this year so we helped provide gifts for their kids then used the remaining to tip our waiter at dinner.
We made the decision to match the value of our envelopes before we opened them. Our combined total was given to the Inspira Resource Center. Inspira provides services to pregnant women as an alternative to aborting the baby. We were able to help restock their shelves with basic infant care needs.
My husband and I decided to put our money together and match it. We were able to donate $140 to St. Jude. Thank you Harbor church for this amazing opportunity.
This was our 2nd bag of amenities to give away and we placed it in a blessing box in Alvin. A small blanket, hand warmers, fruit bars, cans of chicken, Qtips, socks, water bottle flavor packs, body cleansing wipes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, chapstick, gum, etc. Sometimes the Lord calls us to simply plant the seed and we do not get to see the fruit it bears. Praying for the person God will bring to it. Thank you for allowing a way Harbor family!
We were able to give away our 3rd and final blessing bag to a man named Robert this morning. I felt a nudge to drop some female clothing items in the donation box at 1820 Coffee and I met a man experiencing homelessness there. I went back to my car to get the bag filled with a small blanket, hand warmers, fruit bars, cans of chicken, Qtips, socks, water bottle flavor packs, body cleansing wipes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, chapstick, gum, etc and brought it to him. I asked what I could be praying for him about and he said forgiveness. We grabbed hands and I was honored to lift him up to the Lord and remind Robert that he had already been forgiven when God sent Jesus down to die on the cross for Robert and myself. I prayed for his heavy burdens to be lifted off of his heart and for a roof over his head. We hugged and parted ways but the encounter sweetly broke me again. Thank you Harbor for equipping us and allowing space to partner in Kingdom work. Break our hearts for what breaks yours Lord. The gentleness and regret in his eyes, the dirt and roughness to his hands and breaths of relief during prayer had me sobbing in my car afterwards. God sees Him
I thought this was a fantastic outreach opportunity & I let my granddaughter help me with it. I donated mine to a server at my local Waffle House. I explained what it was & just gave it to her in the envelope without knowing her situation. She came back after she opened it to tell me that she is a single mom of 4 children. Needless to say, there were tears & it made me feel so good about being a small part of giving back. It was also a great teaching experience for my 8 year old granddaughter. Thank you!
One of our daughters gave her $20 to a woman who appeared to be in need near Baybrook Mall. Our other daughter wanted to give her $50 to a couple in Alvin who lost their home in the tornado last week. Her dad and I matched the amount and donated it to the Go Fund Me account and we prayed for them
We shared with a mother and daughter in need during the Christmas season.
Donated my gift to Paws for Heroes an organization that matches veterans with dogs trained and rescued from local shelters in the Houston area.
During the service I felt strongly about where my envelope would go. A small hamburger shop in Jamaica beach fell on hard times due to storms. It is run by a lady and some of her family. I knew very little about them so not sure why they came to mind. I finally got a chance to deliver the money and explain where it came from. Said it wasn’t much and her reply was if it was from the lord it was the perfect amount. She then told me of needs she is trying to meet for a rest home on the island. She is a very giving caring person and I feel it was well spent. My girlfriend added hers also and we threw in a little more. The additional was also decided before the service was over and before the envelope was opened. I was blessed by the harbor with food after Harvey and that was my introduction to the caring people there. This was a great idea and I thank you for the chance to be a part of it.
My wife and I gave some to the homeless and bought small New Testament bibles and put a couple of dollars in each one and handing them out to people on the street.